# include <iostream>
# include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
int main()
int BirthYear, BirthMonth, BirthDate, CurrentMonth, CurrentYear, CurrentDate,
AgeYears, AgeMonths, AgeDays;
for (int i = 1; i <= 80; i++)
cout << "*";
cout << setw(48) << "AGE CALCULATOR\n";
for (int i = 1; i <= 80; i++)
cout << "*";
cout << "Enter your DATE OF BIRTH:\n";
cout << "Enter Year?\t";
cin >> BirthYear;
cout << "Enter Month?\t";
cin >> BirthMonth;
cout << "Enter Date?\t";
cin >> BirthDate;
cout << "\nEnter CURRENT DATE:\n";
cout << "Enter Year?\t";
cin >> CurrentYear;
cout << "Enter Month?\t";
cin >> CurrentMonth;
cout << "Enter Date?\t";
cin >> CurrentDate;
if (CurrentMonth <= BirthMonth)
AgeYears = CurrentYear - BirthYear - 1;
AgeYears = CurrentYear - BirthYear;
AgeMonths = 11 - BirthMonth + CurrentMonth;
if (AgeMonths >= 12)
AgeMonths -= 12;
AgeDays = 30 - BirthDate + CurrentDate;
if (AgeDays > 30)
AgeDays -= 30;
cout << "\nYour DATE OF BIRTH is\t " << BirthDate << "-" << BirthMonth << "-"
<< BirthYear;
cout << "\nTODAY's DATE is \t " << CurrentDate << "-" << CurrentMonth << "-"
<< CurrentYear;
cout << "\n\nYour CURRENT AGE is\t " << AgeYears << " years, " << AgeMonths
<< " months and " << AgeDays << " days.\n";
return 0;
# include <iostream>
# include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
int main()
int BirthYear, BirthMonth, BirthDate, CurrentMonth, CurrentYear, CurrentDate,
AgeYears, AgeMonths=0, AgeDays=0, MonthDays;
int flag=0;
for (int i = 1; i <= 80; i++)
cout << "*";
cout << setw(48) << "AGE CALCULATOR\n";
for (int i = 1; i <= 80; i++)
cout << "*";
cout << "\n\nEnter your DATE OF BIRTH:\n";
cout << "Enter Year?\t";
cin >> BirthYear;
cout << "Enter Month?\t";
cin >> BirthMonth;
cout << "Enter Date?\t";
cin >> BirthDate;
cout << "\nEnter CURRENT DATE:\n";
cout << "Enter Year?\t";
cin >> CurrentYear;
cout << "Enter Month?\t";
cin >> CurrentMonth;
cout << "Enter Date?\t";
cin >> CurrentDate;
if (CurrentMonth < BirthMonth)
AgeYears = CurrentYear - BirthYear - 1;
else if (CurrentMonth == BirthMonth)
if (CurrentDate >= BirthDate)
AgeYears = CurrentYear - BirthYear;
flag = 1;
if (CurrentDate == BirthDate)
flag = 2;
AgeYears = CurrentYear - BirthYear - 1;
AgeYears = CurrentYear - BirthYear;
if (flag == 0)
switch (BirthMonth)
case 4: case 6: case 9: case 11:
MonthDays = 30;
case 2:
MonthDays = 28;
if (BirthYear % 4 == 0)
MonthDays = 31;
if (flag == 0)
if (CurrentMonth <= BirthMonth)
AgeMonths = 11 - BirthMonth + CurrentMonth;
AgeMonths = 11 - BirthMonth + CurrentMonth - 12;
if (flag != 2)
if (flag==1)
AgeDays = CurrentDate - BirthDate;
AgeDays = MonthDays - BirthDate + CurrentDate;
if (AgeDays > MonthDays)
AgeDays -= MonthDays;
cout << "\nYour DATE OF BIRTH is\t " << BirthYear << "-" << BirthMonth << "-"
<< BirthDate;
cout << "\nTODAY's DATE is \t " << CurrentYear << "-" << CurrentMonth << "-"
<< CurrentDate;
if (flag == 2)
cout << "\n\nToday is your BIRTHDAY........\n" << setw(47) << "HAPPY BIRTHDAY";
cout << "\nNow you are " << AgeYears << " years old.\n";
cout << "\n\nYour CURRENT AGE is\t " << AgeYears << " years, " << AgeMonths
<< " months and " << AgeDays << " days.\n";
return 0;
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