/* Program for simple "TIC TAC TOE" game for 2-Players using "Linear Array". =>Also displays "Invalid Input" message if entered place is already used. =>Also ask Players for choosing their character\symbol in game. */ #include<iostream> #include<iomanip> using namespace std; //Function Declarations void displayBoard(char[]); void inputCord(char[], char, char); int checkresult(char[], char, char); int main() { char board[9]= { '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9' }; //LinearArray for gameboard int result = 0; char p1, p2; //for getting Player symbols //for player-1 do { cout << "Enter character\\symbol for Player-1 (Except Digits [0-9]):\t"; cin >> p1; if (p1 >= 48 && p1 <= 57) cout << "Invalid Input........\n"; } while (p1 >= 48 && p1 <= 57); //for player-2 do { cout << "Enter character\\symbol for Player-2 (Except Digits [0-9]):\t"; cin >> p2; if (p2 >= 48 && p2 <= 57) cout << "Invalid Input........\n"; } while (p2 >= 48 && p2 <= 57); //For getting 9 inputs for (int i = 1; i <= 9; i++) { system("cls"); //Clear's screen after every input cout << "Player-1 = " << p1 << "\nPlayer-2 = " << p2 << "\nEnter Position as shown below in GameBoard:\n"; //Displays message //Displays GameBoard displayBoard(board); //For getting Players input inputCord(board, p1, p2); if (i >= 5) //for checking Game Result after 4 - first turns result = checkresult(board, p1, p2); //For checking that either player-1 has won or not if (result == 1 || result == -1) break; } //for separating RESULT for (int i = 0; i < 80; i++) cout << "="; //Displays result cout << endl << setw(46) << "GAME RESULT\n"; if (result == 1) cout << "\n" << setw(50) << "****Player-1 WON****\n"; else if (result == -1) cout << "\n" << setw(50) << "****Player-2 WON****\n"; else cout << "\n" << setw(50) << "********DRAW********\n"; //Displays Final Board displayBoard(board); //For formatting output for (int i = 0; i < 80; i++) cout << "~"; cout << endl; return 0; } //For displaying GameBoard void displayBoard(char board[]) { for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { if (i % 3 == 0) //For Index (0,3,6) cout << endl << setw(34); cout << board[i]; //Displays board[i] if (i == 2 || i == 5 || i == 8) { cout << "\n"; cout << setw(34); for (int k = 1; k <= 13 && i != 8; k++) cout << "_"; cout << "\n"; } else //For index (2,5,8) cout << " | "; } } //For getting player input void inputCord(char board[], char p1, char p2) { static int turn = 1; static char comp[9]; int position; //For Player-1 if (turn % 2 == 1) { do { cout << "Player-1 turn:\t"; cin >> position; if (position < 1 || position > 9 || comp[position - 1] == '0') cout << "Invalid Input......\n"; } while (position < 1 || position > 9 || comp[position - 1] == '0'); comp[position - 1] = '0'; board[position - 1] = p1; } //For Player-2 else { do { cout << "Player-2 turn:\t"; cin >> position; if (position < 1 || position > 9 || comp[position - 1] == '0') cout << "Invalid Input......\n"; } while (position < 1 || position > 9 || comp[position - 1] == '0'); comp[position - 1] = '0'; board[position - 1] = p2; } turn++; } //For checking game-result int checkresult(char board[], char p1, char p2) { //For checking that either player-1 has won or not if ( board[0] == p1 && board[0] == board[1] && board[1] == board[2] || board[3] == p1 && board[3] == board[4] && board[4] == board[5] || board[6] == p1 && board[6] == board[7] && board[7] == board[8] || board[0] == p1 && board[0] == board[3] && board[3] == board[6] || board[1] == p1 && board[1] == board[4] && board[4] == board[7] || board[2] == p1 && board[2] == board[5] && board[5] == board[8] || board[0] == p1 && board[0] == board[4] && board[4] == board[8] || board[2] == p1 && board[2] == board[4] && board[4] == board[6] ) return 1; //returns '1' if Player-1 Won //For checking that either player-2 has won or not if above conditions are false else if ( board[0] == p2 && board[0] == board[1] && board[1] == board[2] || board[3] == p2 && board[3] == board[4] && board[4] == board[5] || board[6] == p2 && board[6] == board[7] && board[7] == board[8] || board[0] == p2 && board[0] == board[3] && board[3] == board[6] || board[1] == p2 && board[1] == board[4] && board[4] == board[7] || board[2] == p2 && board[2] == board[5] && board[5] == board[8] || board[0] == p2 && board[0] == board[4] && board[4] == board[8] || board[2] == p2 && board[2] == board[4] && board[4] == board[6] ) return -1; //returns '-1' if Player-2 Won else return 0; //returns '0' if GAME DRAW }
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